Sunday, June 14, 2009

Outdoor Yoga Class

I am adding an outdoor class at Veterans Memorial Park in Warren. It will be held every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm for 7 weeks. Its going to be $5 drop in class so you can come to all or come to one or come to none. Veterans Memorial Park is on the corner of Campbell and Martin. Campbell runs the same way as Van Dyke and is between Van Dyke and Hoover right off of 696.

The class will start on Tuesday June 30 th and it should be a good time. They have shade but I am encouraging people to bring a mat (I have an extra one if people don't and some water).
If you know anybody else all ages welcome, that might want to come feel free to spread the word. :)

When: Tuesday 4:30-5:30
Start:June 30th
Cost $5.00 per class
Place: Veterans Memorial Park

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

NEW Classes Added

I am now teaching a Monday night class yoga class-

Monday Nights at Southfield L.A. Fitness 8:00- 9:00 pm

Also I am thinking about adding an outdoor yoga class on Tuesday nights in Warren Michigan's Veterans Park not to from Hoover on Martin road. This class would be a drop in class for probably 8 weeks every Tuesday night for a hour. I am still working out the details but I am thinking anywhere from 4-7. If you want to suggest a good time or if you think you might be interested let me know. It would be drop in you would only have to pay for the days you can come. It would probably be $5.00 a class. Come to one come to all. If it rains we won't meet. Again I am in the early stages of working this out but I would love to hear feedback.

My email is